This test is a saliva swab test. By testing your personal DNA you will know what metabolic pathway your body uses to breakdown medications.

This test will give you the information to know what medicine works best for your body’s genetic profile. This will take the ‘guess work’ out of knowing what medicines work best for you.

With a simple swab of your cheek, you can have the answer to why some medication has an adverse effect on you while other people taking the same medicine might have a different outcome.

This test is covered by most insurances if you are taking at least one or more medications for treatment of an ongoing diagnosis.

If you already have a primary care physician you can still come to our office for this test.


Sed magna nulla, pulvinar vel ante vel, fringilla vulputate nibh. In placerat facilisis tincidunt. Integer quis erat dictum, placerat massa non, bibendum ante. Duis aliquet tellus magna, quis egestas enim vulputate sed. Phasellus in dui malesuada, lacinia urna sed.

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